I couldn’t have asked for a better start to the new year than this. On the very first day of 2019, my Parijat plant started flowering.

A few months ago, someone got a sapling of Parijat for me, all the way from Kolkata and asked me to plant it in a pot. I was a bit skeptical of planting the sapling in a pot because till then I had always seen huge Parijat trees. I had never seen parijats growing in pots. But I decided to plant the sapling in a pot, for the love of gardening, for the love of beautiful parijat flowers and to test my green thumb. To my surprise, the plant was growing well in the pot. But to expect the plant to start flowering at this stage was a bit farfetched, though in my heart, I wished to see beautiful parijat blooms on my plant. I kept taking care of the plant with a hope that some day the flowers will show up.
In the first week of December, one morning when I was watering my plants, I was pleasantly surprised and obviously overjoyed to see a cluster of tiny buds on my parijat plant. I couldn’t believe my eyes. From then on, I watched the progress of the buds very closely and was eagerly waiting to see the first Parijat blooms on my plant.

And on 1st day of the new year, there were two orange stemmed white flowers on my plant. The first reaction was to reach out to my camera and capture their beauty. I clicked a few pictures from all possible angles and when I was about to touch them, they dropped from the plant. Parijat flowers bloom at night and drop down from the plant in the morning. I understand that Parijat is the only flower that can be picked from the ground and yet offered to the Gods.
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These flowers are highly fragrant and are used in making perfumes. The flowers and leaves have medicinal uses too. But, for now, I am happy that my Parijat plant has started flowering.
November 26, 2024
Now, the journey of my Parijat plant has taken another beautiful turn—it’s producing seeds! Seeing these seeds grow feels like a new chapter in my gardening adventure. This is the first time I have ever seen Parijat seeds and they look so unique – flat green seeds holding within them the potential to grow new plants.
These small green pods are not just symbols of the plant’s strength but also a reminder of nature’s cycle of life. It is fascinating to witness the full life cycle, from a tiny sapling to fragrant flowers and now to seeds that carry the promise of new life. I am eagerly looking forward to propagating new Parijat plants from these seeds, continuing this cycle of beauty and wonder.

That’s amazing! Did you use any specific fertilizer?
I have used organic compost
That is so good…..I also want to plant Paarijat in Pot…So, Can you plz tell me the require size of Pot and guidance??? Advance Thank you…
And one more thing I want to tell you is that….It is divine’s blessings and Indication to you for being “Aspire to the divine”.
Thank you for your appreciation.
Initially, when the plant was small, I had planted it in a small pot. Later, transferred it to a bigger pot (height 12 inches and width 12 inches)
lovely???????? How long did you care for it before it started bloomomg?
Thank you. It took 5 to 6 months to start blooming.
I have planted it 2 years back. Still it hasn’t bloomed. What should I do please guide. Should it be pruned?
Are you adding fertilizers? Is the plant getting sunlight? Pruning at regular intervals is required. Also, do not over water the plant.
No haven’t added yet. And the leaves are always eaten by bugs. Should i transfer the plant to a pot? And what kind of fertilizer would help?
You can make a solution of neem oil and water and spray on the plant to keep away the bugs. For 1 litre of water add 2 to 3 tsp oil and mix. As regards fertilizer, I generally use vermicompost for my plants
Plz tell me how to take care of parijat plant which planted in pot.. How much water it required n how much sunlight they needed
Sunlight – 3 to 4 hours of sunlight
Water the plant moderately. The soil should not get soggy.
I m not getting flowers in my plant its almost a year old…wht fertilizer shd I use ..? & it’s just growing tall.shd I trim it..? Nursery person said it will grow tall , but I dont have that much space in my box grill window. Plz help..the leaves r healthy..
You can trim the plant. I always use organic compost/ vermicompost for my plants. One more thing that I do for my plants is….after making vegetable or fruit juice…the residue that remains after straining the juice….I mix it with water and add to the soil. This has always given me great results. You can try this if you wish.
Thanks so much …yes I do have leftover residue after straining juice …will definitely try yur tip ..& will surely let u know the result …if I get flowers..
Thanks again …
Same case with us, we added compost as well, other plants beside Mandara is blooming but parijat is not boolming and it’s one year old, and almost 5 feet height. Please suggest how to get blooming.
Hi Vanita, Felt so wonderful to read this. Will you be able to tell if this can stay within 3 ft height and still flower? Living in apartments makes it difficult to own large trees. I am told this plant in a pot can grow all the way up to 30ft but is it possible to restrict the height and yet enjoy it’s bloom?
Yes. the plant can stay within 3 ft height and still flower. My plant is barely 2 ft in height. But it is flowering. So…Good luck and happy gardening !!
i also want to plant it outside my main gate at the ground.my house is north facing,can i plant it besides my gate at the entrance.
If you are asking me the direction and the position where it should be planted, then I am not qualified to answer your question. You will have to ask some Vaastu expert .
This is really very nice!!
can we grow this with the seeds? and how much time it takes?
Yes you can grow from seeds. But I have never tried. So, I have no idea as to how much time will it take growing from a seed.
Priya the great Seeds will take for ever to germinate and forever to bloom it is better to buy the plant.
Do you know where I find the plant online to buy?
I think it is available on http://www.nurserylive.com. You can check there.
Loved your article Vinita…I have also planted parijat in a pot at home in September.Thank you for your guidance ☺️
Thank you. I hope your parijat plant starts flowering soon. Happy Gardening!!
What should be the ideal pot size for parijat plant?? Please guide.
Hello Priti
My plant is growing in a pot which is 12 inches in height and its width is also 12 inches.
I have planted Parijat Plant 2 years back. The stem had become thick, with lots of branches. But it is not Blooming. I have pruned all the branches. Fresh branches started coming. Please advise what needs to be done for flowering.
Have you tried adding compost? I use organic compost for my plant.
Did you add compost and what’s the result