Periwinkle | Vinca |Growing Periwinkle

Periwinkle, Vinca, Sadaphuli, Sadabahaar….all these are names of  the tiny beautiful starry flowers which range in colour from pink, dark pink to white and...

Lavender Hibiscus | Uncommon Hibiscus

I bought a hibiscus plant from a nursery in Lonavala last December.  The guy at the nursery assured me that it was a blue...

Growing bitter gourds in pots | Growing karela

Growing bitter gourds in pots is an excellent option for those with limited space. I love growing bitter gourds. Why??... because they are the...

Yesterday Today Tomorrow | Brunfelsia Plant

The wonders of nature are far too many.  Every element of nature is made up of astonishing beauty. It’s just that we need to...

Rose – A Gardener’s Delight

A Rose, by any other name would smell as sweet.                            ...

Hibiscus Plant Care | Growing Hibiscus

I started taking keen interest in gardening about 5 years ago. Staying in Mumbai, having a full fledged garden with big trees is a...

Growing Methi | Growing fenugreek in pots

   Everything that slows us down and forces patience,           Everything that sets us back into the slow circles of...

Four o’clock flowers | How to grow Gulbakshi

About Four o’clock flowers Four o’clock  flowers or Gulbakshi (Marathi name) or Mirabilis Jalapa (Botanical name) is the most commonly grown plant.   It is supposedly...

Grow your own Mint | Growing mint in pots

                If you have never experienced the joy of                accomplishing more...

Neem Leaves – A Natural Pesticide

Neem leaves - a natural pesticide. There’s nothing like having a small garden in your backyard/ balcony.  The joy of growing your own vegetables/ growing...
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A Must Try Recipe